【Appraisal】行政、HR、创意岗位互评点写好? 30句示范例句!
一周一度的 appraisal又杀到,虽说这是一次争取升职加薪的机会,但如何在上司面前肯定自己过去一年的表现,其实满有难度。特别是在自我评核的一部分,有些公司要求员工要发表具体意见,更是教人不知怎样落笔才好。不同的职级及部门理应都有属于它们专用的评语,以下将就行政、HR、创意、项目管理、下属及上司6个岗位,提供一些适合的短句,如适当使用,配合具体的事例/资料作支持,应能令今年的appraisal做得更得心应手。
1. Administration 行政岗位/工作
1. Continuously examines administrative effectiveness and seeks better procedures such as [tasks]. (不断评估行政系统、程序的效用,寻求更佳方案。)
2. Develops successful administrative strategies such as [task] that led to [results]. (提出成功的行政策略,例如[例子],取得效果[例子]。)
3. Establishes effective systems for information retrieval through [task]. (建立有效的信息检索系统,例如……)
4. Improves administrative support systems through [task]. (透过[例子]提升行政支援系统。)
5. Keeps documents organized via [task] to avoid duplicate information. (通过 [例子]有系统、有组织地保存文件,避免资料重复。)
2. Human Resources Management and Coaching 人力资源管理及培训岗位/工作
6. Shows a sincere interest in employees and the solutions to their problems. (对员工的问题展现真诚的关心及解决建议。)
7. Lends support and guidance to employees by [task]. (通过[例子]为同事展现支援及指导。)
8. Uses sound coaching techniques to solve disciplinary problems. (运用辅导技巧解决纪律问题。)
9. Provides continuous coaching. (持续提供培训。)
10. Is highly respected by employees for sharing concerns, problems, and opportunities. (因分享关心、问题、机会而备受同事尊重。)
3. Creativity 创意岗位/工作
11. Seeks creative alternatives such as [examples] that drove [results]. (寻求具创意的其他选项,例如[例子],达成[成绩/效果]。)
12. Clever and imaginative when confronted with obstacles. (面对困扰表现灵活而富想像力。)
13. Is continuously experimenting to drive [results]. (不断尝试以取得[成果])
14. Initiates and executes creative ideas such as [example]. (构思并执行创意十足的意念,例如[例子])
15. Seeks new ideas and approaches. (寻求新鲜主意和方法。)
4. Project Management 项目管理岗位/工作
16. Completed X project with X results. (完成[X]项目,取得成果[X]。)
17. Sets realistic timetables to keep projects on target(设立实际可行的时间表以确保项目进度良好。)
18. Is transparent with a project's progress. (项目进度清晰透明。)
19. Makes effective use of all available resources when given a project. (有效运用可用资源在项目上。)
20. Clearly establishes project goals and objectives. (建立明确的项目目标。)
5. Potential 同事/下属潜力
21. Is capable of distinguished performance in a higher-level position. (能够胜任更高职位,表现杰出。)
22. Has reached the level for promotional consideration.(已经达到可以考虑升职的水平。)
23. Can handle bigger projects and assignments. (能够处理更大型的工作和任务。)
24. Is making a strong effort to acquire greater experience and skills to increase potential for advancement. (努力取得更多经验、更佳技巧来提升自己。)
25. Is enhancing growth potential through additional education and training. (透过额外进修及培训在提升个人潜力。)
6. Management Ability 管理岗位/工作
26. Provides team with support through [example]. (给予团队支持,例如[例子]。)
27. Collaborates with individual team members to establish a development path. (与各组员一起建立职业道路。)
28. Holds employees accountable for their own results. (为下属的好坏成果负上责任。)
29. Provides team with the resources needed to attain results. (帮助团队取得所需资源。)
30. Provides support during periods of organizational change. (在公司/团队转型时为团队、下属提供支持。)