Pokemon GO攻略:1.5更新版本 解读新精灵评价术语
近日Pokemon GO虽然有不少争议的声音,官方继续马不停蹄推出更新完善游戏体验。最新更新版本ver 1.5.0(iOS)、ver 0.35.0(Android)终于加入了IV评价系统,令各位小精灵训练员都可以简易得知每一只精灵个别能力。
最新版本Pokemon GO近日推出更新,这一次更新版中官方指改良了游戏的表现外,亦加入新系统更易发现玩家使用挂机、假GPS等“出术”系统,对于“守法”的玩家而言,相信是非常赞赏的改良。
蓝队精灵IV分数评价 | 解说 |
Overall, your(精灵名字)is a wonder!What a breathtaking Pokemon! |
82.2%-100%(37/45 – 45/45) |
Overall, your(精灵名字) has certainly caught my attention. |
66.7% – 80.0%(30/45 – 36/45) |
Overall, your (精灵名字)is above average. |
51.1% – 64.4%(23/45 – 29/45) |
Overall, your (精灵名字) is not likely to make much headway in battle. |
0% – 48.9%(0/45 – 22/45) |
蓝队精灵攻击力、防御力或HP评价 |
解说 |
Its stats exceed my calculations. It’s incredible! | 精灵至少一项IV数值达15分完美 |
I am certainly impressed by its stats, I must say. | 精灵至少一项IV数值达13或14分 |
Its stats are noticeably trending to the positive. | 精灵至少一项IV数值达8至12分 |
Its stats are not out of the norm, in my opinion | 精灵至少一项IV数值达0至7分 |
蓝队精灵Size评价 | 解说 |
The size of your (精灵名字) is… colossal. This is indeed exceptional. Fascinating! | XL |
Your (精灵名字)is above average in size. | Large |
Your (精灵名字)is below average in size. | Small |
Your (精灵名字) is tinier than any we have on record. Astounding. | XS |
红队精灵IV分数评价 | 解说 |
Overall, your (精灵名字) simplyamazes me. It can accomplish anything! |
82.2%-100%(37/45 – 45/45) |
Overall, your (精灵名字) is a strong Pokemon. You should be proud! |
66.7% – 80.0%(30/45 – 36/45) |
Overall, your (精灵名字) is a decent Pokemon |
51.1% – 64.4%(23/45 – 29/45) |
Overall, your (精灵名字) may not be great in battle, but I still like it! |
0% – 48.9%(0/45 – 22/45) |
红队精灵攻击力、防御力或HP评价 |
解说 |
I’m blown away by its stats. WOW! | 精灵至少一项IV数值达15分完美 |
It’s got excellent stats! How exciting! | 精灵至少一项IV数值达13或14分 |
Its stats indicate that in battle, it’ll get the job done. | 精灵至少一项IV数值达8至12分 |
Its stats don’t point to greatness in battle. | 精灵至少一项IV数值达0至7分 |
红队精灵Size评价 | 解说 |
Your (精灵名字) is gigantic—the largest I’ve ever seen! | XL |
Your (精灵名字) is rather sizable, that’s for sure! |
Large |
Aww, what a small (精灵名字)! It’s rather cute, I’d say. | Small |
Your (精灵名字) is so tiny, I almost didn’t notice it! | XS |
黄队精灵IV分数评价 | 解说 |
Overall, your (精灵名字) looks like it can really battle with the best of them! |
82.2%-100%(37/45 – 45/45) |
Overall, your (精灵名字) is really strong! |
66.7% – 80.0%(30/45 – 36/45) |
Overall, your (精灵名字) is pretty decent! |
51.1% – 64.4%(23/45 – 29/45) |
Overall, your (精灵名字) has room for improvement as far as battling goes. |
0% – 48.9%(0/45 – 22/45) |
黄队精灵攻击力、防御力或HP评价 |
解说 |
Its stats are the best I’ve ever seen! No doubt about it! | 精灵至少一项IV数值达15分完美 |
Its stats are really strong! Impressive. | 精灵至少一项IV数值达13或14分 |
It’s definitely got some good stats. Definitely! | 精灵至少一项IV数值达8至12分 |
Its stats are all right, but kinda basic, as far as I can see. | 精灵至少一项IV数值达0至7分 |
黄队精灵Size评价 | 解说 |
Your (精灵名字) is just HUGE! | XL |
Your (精灵名字) is a BIG one! |
Large |
Your (精灵名字) is a little small for its kind, don’t you think? | Small |
Wh-whoa. That’s the tiniest (精灵名字) I’ve ever seen! | XS |
15:Its stats exceed my calculations, It’s incredible.13-14:I am certainly impressed by its stats.11-12: Its stats are noticeably trending to the positive0-10:Its stats are noticeably trending to the positive如出现It is matched equally by its XXX,并且又有“Its stats exceed my calculations, It’s incredible.”表示该只精灵的三项数值都达到15