【武备志】“Mayweather vs. McGregor”睇拳团

撰文: 武备志编辑团队

【从不喜欢睇拳一个】武备志同大家一齐睇“Mayweather vs. McGregor”,大家快啲报名啦!The Money Fight: Floyd Mayweather vs. Conor McGregor这场世纪大战即将举行。武备志为了让参加者一同观赏这场世纪大战,特意在8月27日早上于Arene Bar by Zerve举办了直播观赛活动,更有交流活动并会赠送纪念品,务求令参加者感受到比赛的热闹气氛。请到活动网页观看活动详情,欲免向隅,报名从速!

【Friends don't let Friends watch fight alone】“Watch ‘Mayweather vs. McGregor’ with Martialab” is coming soon. Register as HK01 member and join us now!The Money Fight: Floyd Mayweather vs. Conor McGregor is coming soon. Martialab has organized a live event in Arene Bar by Zerve on the morning of 27 August. The event includes not only the mega fight live but also games and souvenirs giving. We hope everybody can come and enjoy the festive atmosphere.Please visit our website for more detail. Limited seats; register now!If you have any questions, please contact us on Martialab Facebook Page.

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