Apple 高层变晒 Memoji?特别的 Emoji 庆祝世界表情日
刚过去的 7 月 17 日原来是 Emoji Day,Apple 为了庆祝世界表情符号日,原来偷偷将官网上的 Apple 管理层全部换作自家的 Memoji,相信在表情日过后就会回复正常。他们当中不少曾经在 Apple 的发布会上现身,大家又认得几多个呢?(撰文:区庆威)
刚过去的 7 月 17 日原来是 Emoji Day,Apple 为了庆祝世界表情符号日,原来偷偷将官网上的 Apple 管理层全部换作自家的 Memoji,相信在表情日过后就会回复正常。他们当中不少曾经在 Apple 的发布会上现身,大家又认得几多个呢?(撰文:区庆威)
Apple 管理层的 Memoji 图辑(按图放大)
行政总裁 Tim Cook,相信大家都非常熟悉。(Apple)
Katherine Adams,Senior Vice President and General Counsel。(Apple)
Angela Ahrendts,Senior Vice President,Retail。(Apple)
Eddy Cue,Senior Vice President,Internet Software and Services。(Apple)
Craig Federighi,Senior Vice President,Software Engineering。(Apple)
苹果的首席设计师 Jonathan Ive,相信不用介绍。(Apple)
Luca Maestri,Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer。(Apple)
Dan Riccio,Senior Vice President Hardware Engineering。(Apple)
Philip W. Schiller,Senior Vice President Worldwide Marketing。(Apple)
Johny Srouji,Senior Vice President Hardware Technologies。(Apple)
Jeff Williams,Chief Operating Officer。(Apple)
Steve Dowling,Vice President Communications。(Apple)
John Giannandrea,Chief of Machine Learning and AI Strategy。(Apple)
Lisa Jackson,Vice President Environment,Policy and Social Initiatives。(Apple)
Isabel Ge Mahe,Vice President and Managing Director of Greater China。(Apple)
Tor Myhren,Vice President Marketing Communications。(Apple)
Deirdre O’Brien,Vice President People。(Apple)
不知道 Apple 的 Memoji 高层会不会在表情符号日之后直接落架,大家想亲自看一看,快到 Apple 官网页底的“Apple 管理层”。(Apple)